Name of Your Blog: Life of a Traveling Navy Wife
Site Owner: Heather Wilson
Stay Connected:
Q: What made you want to become a blogger?
- A: I have had a pretty interesting life full of challenges, trials, and triumphs. Many have told me through the years I should write a book, but books end. A blog allows you to tell your story AND the story of others in real-time. There doesn’t have to be an end. It is also a great forum to give back and to inspire others to take action, whether it’s buying a new item you reviewed and love or for them to give back to their community through featuring a favorite charity. Really, with a blog the possibilities are limitless – and I love that! But stay tuned…there still may be a book someday. 😉 Never say never!
Q: What sites or bloggers inspire you?
- A: Besides The Review Wire which deserves a shout-out of its own? Though I would proclaim I am no expert, you took someone who didn’t know what affiliate programs were or her monetizing from SEO and helped me grow my blog from a hundred or so readers to almost 10,000. Considering my crazy schedule, I’d say that’s pretty awesome and deserves a big thank you. I will have to limit myself to three or we will be here all night: I love Kids are a Trip – As a new bonus mom (aka stepmom) Kirsten is such an inspiration to me. To me, one of the best gifts you could ever give a child is the gift of travel. Kirsten proves that you can travel with kids to places you may have never thought were kid-friendly no matter their ages and, literally, give them the world! The Brown Girl with Long Hair – Courtney keeps it real. She is gorgeous and she is an NFL wife so I would think people may have some crazy assumptions about her because of her husband’s football career. Instead, she is hilarious and so down-to-earth about everything from the messes her kids’ cause in her house, to budget fashion and taming her long brown hair! I have also recently discovered and her illustrations have me in stitches. Just go to her page and search “Skittles” or “VBAC to the Future” and you will totally know what I mean.
Q: What is one thing you are most proud of as a blogger?
- A: This is a tough one. I’m proud that I was able to break out of the stereotype that many women have as military spouses. I am also extremely proud that I only offer giveaways for products I believe in. I will not review an item or hold a giveaway of a product that could be harmful to my readers. No amount of free stuff or money is worth compromising my values.
Q: What is your favorite post you have written to date?
- A: Oh gosh, this is a tough one! It would probably be when I wrote about why I participate in Relay for Life and recounted my story of surviving cancer three times: “Let’s Relay Why I Never Want To Forget“
Q: Give us one random fact about YOU
- A: I’ve never had a cup of coffee in my life.
Q: What advice would you give a new blogger?
- A: Be patient! You may be one of the lucky ones, and your blog turns into a sensation overnight, but it usually takes time. Do NOT compare yourself to other bloggers. You don’t know the paths they had to crawl or walk to get to where they are. Never be too proud to ask for help, advice or constructive criticism and join networking groups! They really do help. Never ignore social media. Keep your readers engaged and ask for their opinions, then apply it to your blog. Take breaks when you need and remember to stay true to the message you want to deliver.
Q: Give Us Your Best One-Sentence SEO Tip
- A: Take the time to learn it and enlist help if you need it!
Heather says
Well thank you so much! I’m honored. 🙂
Kirsten says
Heather, thanks for the recognition. I love your site, and I’m so happy we were able to meet in real life. That doesn’t happen often in the “blog world”. I think there is still hope for you writing a book, and drinking a drop of coffee…Great interview. Hope you are getting settled in your new digs.
Crystal Green says
This is one blogger well worth featuring. I love Heather’s site and enjoy visiting as often as time permits me to do it. It was nice to read these answers that she gave. I love learning about fellow bloggers!
Heather says
Crystal, you are so sweet!! THANK YOU!!!
Courtney Conover says
Um, hello…Heather? I am BLOWN AWAY by your shout-out and are beyond grateful, first and foremost, that you take even one moment to visit my little corner of The Interwebs.
From the bottom of my heart: THANK YOU.
I love you like my tourmaline flat iron. (Which, as you know, is a lot.) lol
Seriously, many, many thanks.
Heather says
Awww thank you. You humble me so. 🙂